agreeable ruts of life, all pink on the inside, aperture of bliss, Anthony Blunt, aunt Maria, aunt Mary, baby-factory, bacon hole, banger hanger, bank, barge, bawdy cleft, bath of birth, bearded leisure center, beaver tail, beef box, bit of fish, bliff, blind entrance, blit, blivvet, bloomer pudding, Boris, bottom in front, bower of bliss, brat-getting place, break like a shotgun, bush pie, button groove, c-word, Cambridge punt, catty-cat, cavern, Charley Hunt, Charlie Hunt, cheese factory, chochito, chocho gordo, chuftie, cladge, claff, cleft underside, clodge, cloven stamp of female distinction, clowt, coal scuttle, cock hotel, cockwash, conchita, covered way, crack of heaven, crooney, cunker, Cupid’s alley, Cupid’s anvil, Cupid’s arbour, Cupid’s arms, Cupid’s cave, Cupid’s cloister, Cupid’s corner, Cupid’s hotel, Cupids ring, cut up, Cyprian arbour, Cyprian cave, Cyprian strait, dark paradise, dead end street, dearest bodily part, Deep, The, devilish thing, dingleberry, dirty hole, dormouse, downy cave, dumb squint, empty tunnel, end of the sentimental journey, envy-city, fascinating furpiece, fat rabbit, female coital apparatus, female genital appeaser, female genital inlet, female genital mouth, female genital passage, female genital receptacle, female genital slit, female gewgaw, female gimcrack, female hiatus, female interlabial oven, female lower mouth, female netherland, female organ of generation, female organ of reproduction, female pudendal canal, female pudendal chamber, female pudendal funnel, female pudendal gimcrack, female pudendal hawsehole, female pudendal inlet, female pudendal slit, female sex(ual) organ, female sexual organon, female slit, female underbelly, female perineal cul-de-sac, female’s lower kisser, fiddle, flesh wallet, flat tail, fornicators hall, fount of femininity, fresh axe wound in a bears back, front bum, front passage, fruitex vulvaria, fuck hatch, funk hole, funny bit, fur chalice, furrow, furry letterbox, furry mongoose, fuzzy-bunny, fuzzy-muzzy, G, gap, gape over the garter…