Performing Love#01: I’m loving you

Performing Love #01 es mi colaboración para NoMorePotlucks no.18, que tiene como tema el <3 amor. Siguiendo con el tema de las relaciones online, y a través de ChatRoulette, este es un ejercicio tratando de ver si es posible transmitir amor sin elegir al sujeto, con uno dado por ese algoritmo que intenta copiar al azar. Y si el amor es una fuerza capaz de ser expresada digitalmente. La música es Julie Andrews cantando Something Good, pero lenta, muy lenta.

El video está aquí, también


The power of love. What is love? Is love a force? If love is a force, then why it is necessary to build it up? How powerful is love? Is love independent of the beloved object? Is it a necessary object/necessarily an object? Why? Can it be a random one? Can it be an unknown one? How is love experienced? Can love be performed? Can love be performed through a computer screen? Can love be performed through a computer screen in front of an unknown person?

Performing Love #01: I am loving you is an attempt to tackle these questions. This exercise can be related to a broader inquiry into the nature of online relationships. I am loving you is a performance using the video-roulette site as its medium. There, random people are invited to be loved by someone behind a hand-made sign, in an attempt to avoid common biases related to gender or age. The song “Something Good” from The Sound of Music provides the soundtrack for the performance. This song talks about a face-to-face loving situation, reinforcing the performative character of love. The speed of the song has been changed in order to stress this characteristic.